With just a small amount of research and consideration into what ‘Socialism’ represents,
it’s impossible to imagine how so many people in our country have come to embrace this philosophy.
In no uncertain terms, a Socialistic form of government consists of ‘Slaves’ (the general population)
and ‘Slave Masters’ (the ruling elite). This is an indisputable and easily confirmed historical fact.

Regrettably, the term ‘Socialism’ has lost it’s impact due to widespread and cavalier use, but this is an extremist
totalitarian sentiment that poses a genuine existential threat to our most cherished institutions and personal freedoms.
It must be clearly understood that Socialism is thoroughly incompatible – in fact completely contrary – to personal liberty,
autonomy, sovereignty, independence, and self-determination; as well as our public safety, security, peace, and prosperity.

The notion that this possibility is even up for discussion is disturbing enough, but the prospect of The United States actually
becoming a Socialistic country is obviously a cause for great concern. Unfortunately, we are being forced into this conversation
due to the fact that virtually every Democrat politician today – and many Republicans as well – endorse a Socialistic agenda.
Some do so out of sheer historical ignorance; many others do so out of what can only be considered truly sinister, evil intentions.

Naturally, the younger generations of Americans would pay the biggest price for a transition to this type of government,
which makes it imperative for them to learn the actual truth about the devastating consequences of such an inhumane, diabolic,
and utterly reprehensible belief system. Contemplating just two recent examples of such  institutions that would likely be missing
from today’s (often equally reprehensible) education system curriculum should allow for a legitimate ‘woke’ moment:
1 – The Soviet Union – officially known as the ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’ (USSR), and
2 – ‘The National Socialist German Workers Party’ – commonly referred to as the ‘Nazi Party’.

And, an ominous quote that none of us can afford to ignore:
“The goal of Socialism is Communism.”
Vladimir Lenin


Relevant articles, videos, and a very special book below.





A very special book:

‘The Decline of the American Republic’ – by John T. Flynn, published in 1955.
It’s difficult to overstate the relevance and value of this book – on many different levels.
A classic, intellectual treasure; for those who decide to download and read this book, it will
soon become clear why it is being so highly recommended with such (somber) enthusiasm.

It has been generously made available as a free download from the Mises Institute.